New Year Detox: Why you Should make the change for life, not just January!

So many of us will be entering 2015 with many goals and ambitions on how to live healthier lifestyles. Dry January is a popular choice, a whole month without alcohol – oh, what a party pooper you are! However, a close second is cutting out all those processed sugary guilty pleasures. How to manage daily sugarless coffee and tea in-take? What about my delicious sweet home baked cakes? Not to forget that Pancake tuesday is only around the corner! Though detox January may be a one month goal bearable enough to not go stir crazy, Bali Nutra Coconut Syrup is an ingredient changer for life! The perfect sweetener to replace all those sugary desires. 100% natural, rich and smokey in flavour – Our coconut nectar is the ideal substitute to replace sugar in whatever drink or dish, sweet or savoury. When a product is as versatile as Bali Nutra Coconut Syrup, its a no brainer – make the healthy change for life, not just January!